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A Documentation of the Posters on the Construction Fences around the Main Station in Stuttgart with an Emphasis on Humor

my travels > Germany

A Documentation of the Posters on the Construction Fences around the Main Station in Stuttgart with an Emphasis on Humor..:

This documentation has now on 13/10/2010 550 billboards and is constantly updated (last 30.11.). The posters are from the construction fence around Stuttgart main station at the north entrance (which was now moved to the Museum) and the Schloßpark site. (The new fence is already hung again!). The respective new hires are at the beginning. Here, just below is the slideshow. At the bottom is the same collection again, but as thumbnails: Click the top to the enlarge the image. In the blog (http://www.liebe-zur-erde.eu/blog/index.php on the website above right) are more humorous posts from different sources about the events around Stuttgart21 .

And now - have fun!

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