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Leticia and Tabatinga - a Comparison

my travels > South America > Colombia

Top left: two out of a hundred stores in Leticia -
Top right: Tabatinga - as you see it here, so it is everywhere in the Amazon, aside from the big town Iquitos.

From the blog entry that remains relevant until this page is finished (German language only):

Left picture: you see the shores of one arm of the Amazon river: the front part where we are standing belongs to Tabatinga in Brazil, the opposite shores belong to Santa Rosa in Peru and the right side is directly part of Leticia in Colombia - the river is the same everywhere, as are the natural resources ...

If you traveled 2000 km to the Amazon and its tributaries, you get a feeling for the country and its resources as livelihood for its people. On the blog and the river travels I didn´t speak about the people, their villages and towns along the river, or the farms and business opportunities, which can feed the people. It is made up on the website soon ....

Further reading (German language only):

http://reisen.liebe-zur-erde.eu/ # post17


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