Eurythmie für soziale Einrichtungen - Liebe zur Erde

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Eurythmie für soziale Einrichtungen

Eurythmy > Specialist Areas of Eurythmy

My Offer for Your Organisation:

The scope of eurythmy is extremely diverse. Here are just a few examples:

  • Colleagues, parents, communities or teams that are in joint activities together,

can benefit from the social and community building power of Eurythmy.

  • For certain professional groups prophylactic health programs can be offered,

they aim on regeneration and the relaxation of the most stressed muscles.

  • For some tired contemporaries, courses can have an invigorating Wellness

character. ("Hygienic Eurythmy")

  • In retirement homes, eurythmy for groups will have mentally and physically stimulating

effects while the motion can even be performed sitting.

  • In prisons it is worked with the inmates on their mental balance and the

development of improved social skills.

Eurythmy has been successfully used in these and other areas for decades
and is applied worldwide.

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