Eurythmy - Liebe zur Erde

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The word is from the Greek words "Eu" = good / beautiful and rhythm and is usually translated as "good rhythm" or "beautiful movement." Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) developed the eurythmy systematically starting 1912 and refers to Eurythmy that it has to be classified  as a new art form between the existing arts (painting, sculpture, music, etc).

Significant for the eurythmic movements is the weightless ease in which they are perfomed. In this respect, they become similar to the more famous Tai Chi, but they have a completely different cultural, historical and anthropological background. Also the Eurythmy in the therapeutic form prove
to be extraordinarily effective.

Eurythmy describes itself as "visible speech" or "visible song". With the body, but especially with arms and motion, sequences are completed, whose power and intention are appropriate to the sounds of language, the mood of a statement, the grammatical terms and the underlying rhythm of speech. Accordingly, there is the musical expression of clock, rhythm, pitch, tones and intervals.

Als a
stage art , eurythmy has in appearance now entered the world. Particularly noteworthy in this context are the tours of the Else Klink Ensemble of Stuttgart under the direction of Else Klink. Meanwhile, many countries have their own theater companies and Eurythmy trainings: 2008 there were 33 courses worldwide - usually lasting 4 years fulltime - and nearly 40 well-known ensembles.

Since the founding of the first  
Waldorf school Eurythmy is an obligatory school subject. In addition to the artistic aspect, it's about supporting and stimulating the development processes of the children.
Eurythmy has a strong connecting effect in the social environment, while at the same time it strengthens the individual in his personality for the contact with the community. The desire to "integrate" rather than "subordinate" and the full recognition of individuality makes Eurythmie a promotional item anywhere where adults live together or work. In every city there are now  
courses for adults, but also in prisons or in  labor context as organisations it has proven to be beneficial and personally as well as socially balancing.

Long before the concepts of  
wellness or salutogenesis got known, almost 100 years ago the concept of "Hygienic Eurythmy" was formed for eurythmy elements which are less for the art establishment but to benefit  the individual life forces and helps strengthening the personality

From about 1920, the special shape of the  
eurythmy therapy was developed by Rudolf Steiner together with medical doctors. It is an essential pillar of  Anthroposophic Medicine and is used successfully in a variety of diseases.

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