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Twice we take boats out on the sea: speed boats with 2x 150 hp, where about 20 people find place -
The Wales swim quite unmoved and over and over again several minutes beside the boat and their fountains blow the breathing in the air.
The whales migrate alone or in small groups and have a very leisurely pace. Up close you can see them under water: a moving white spot points to the beast which is shimmering turquoise in the water.
One of these animals probably makes a fun and inspected our boat closer: it swims around us by a few meters distance under water.
We see multiple groups that swim extremely close to each other and come together to breathe at the surface.
The National Park Machalilla
on the coast of Ecuador includes tropical cloud forest, tropical dry forest and 20 000 hectares for the protection of coral formations, sea, whales and bird colonies. Approximately 450 humpback whales are this year here to mate, their young however are born further to the north in Colombia.
We have the incredible good fortune in having two days of nice weather with cloudless skies -
Also on this trip it turns out that the recommendation of "Mandala" in Puerto Lopez leads to a great party and tour provider: the boat has a walk-
Below you can see the partly very scratched skin and one can guess the turquoise patch that shimmers through the water. I am still unclear where this turquoise comes from, because only the bottom of the belly is the white part of the Waal, it is ribbed longitudinally.
I am surprised at the sensation of a certain dullness in these animals, which act like giant primeval beings -
These whales down here are playing in front of the Isla de la Plata, the bird island. If you look across the sea, everywhere you see the fountains of the great mammals. We have seen groups of up to 5 animals, but also seven animals are seen.