Vietnam - a country to enchant you!
According to a legend, all the Vietnamese men are descendents from dragon sons , and all Vietnamese women from fairies. And yes, if I look at the people, I can hardly think of a better description. The women - even if they only work as porters - have some surprising delicate grace and beauty. And anyone who tries to cross the road, will immediately make acquaintance with the dragon sons on their fiery coasters with which they fly determined - and much too quickly - like lambent flames around .
This beauty of the people, their strength and toughness makes it difficult for me to photograph the essence of this country ( I just find it difficult to constantly keep the people a camera in their face), I can only say that it charmed me immediately .
And who doesn´t remember them, the horrible pictures from the war with the US? I did expect anything - but just not htis beautiness, the friendlyness, these I didn´t expect. The people are blossoming in a unselfconciousness like the wars did never happen (independency from France, USA) .
Again, people want to sell their things and call the tourists - but they make it delicate, almost shy - and if you smile at them "no" - they smile back! In any contact with people you are in for a smile, a nod , Curiosity ! I can not remember when I have seen myself the last time something like that- and I need days to even gradually to understand where I 'm actually landed.
Sure there are also the ubiquitous dark side of tourism - as , for example, thievery is quite ruthless and powerful, also by the dragons sons . Every well-meaning warns you not to take anything with you on the street . This in turn means that I hardly dare to run around with camera on the road and some of the selected images which are included I shot with the phone .
Immediately, however, it is also clear that the time that I will have here is too short - and that I have to come back again. So - do it like me, come as long as Hanoi can keep its old Asiatic charme!