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Eurythmy as an art... almost worldwide practiced today. Eurythmy professionals of a region come together to form artistic groups and provide regional performances. There are some great professional theater companies that offer occasional tours worldwide. The best known are the Else Klink Ensemble from Stuttgart and the Goetheanum stage from Dornach in Switzerland. Since the stage companies generally do not receive any government funding -
Eurythmy understands itself as a visible language or singing. For all the elements of language and music, there are certain movements:
There is in eurythmy, performed to poems or word art, a special movement for each vowel and consonant sounds, moods, rhythms and grammatical functions. In the eurythmy on music, for beat, rhythm, pitch, tones and intervals. The movement of each element engages and shows the inner dynamics and expression (see below to the aphorism about eurythmy and Anthroposophic schooling). Although this sounds in first impression like a modular system, however, the experience is that the internal structure of individual sounds and tones and can be seen as concordant. Which elements of a piece will be chosen for the movement is within the freedom of the artists, but in each case they will rely on text or score for the performance.
The eurythmic movements can be hardly drawn or captured as a static image, even on video essential elements are not visible. This explains why there are hardly any good film clips that can convey an authentic impression. Each eurythmy movement carries within itself a differentiated structure of tension and relaxation, acceleration or deceleration, weightlessness or heavyness. To perform this movement elements properly, a long-
On the website of the Professional Association of Eurythmy in Germany there is a list of all the theater companies and their tour dates: