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Eurythmy as a Spa -
Not even get sick ...? How to do this?
Simple beneficial exercises to compensate your condition to practise at home
Courses with multiple parties or in separate individual work are possible
If there is any visible disposition to specific disease, prevention as a specific individual measure is possible
Subsidy of health insurances for prevention courses are somtimes available in Germany
The very invigorating, soothing and balancing exercises related to the so-
If you are looking for personal balance, relaxation and concentration of your forces, if you feel nervous, if you suffer from stress, tension, insomnia, poor concentration, restlessness or lethargy, or if you simply take pleasure in relaxing movements -
Eurythmy is now also offered by many companies for their employees, the target is stress reduction, an improved business climate and the compensation of unilateral workplace conditions. Studies on the effect of the measures can be found here in German language:
Our era is characterized by strong demands and contradictions that often results in opression on the individual person with their everyday needs and concerns and which go beyond the personal capabilities and limitations. It requires us to seek new ways: to a new basic of internal and external balance, and to strengthen our defenses. A strong individuality, which is at rest within herself and is breathing in all the bustle of the outer life will be able to oppose the destructive effects of a hectic surrounding which includes often just a few contacts to keep at best. At this thickness, the hygienic eurythmy can help.
Links for Germany:
BVHE informes about prevention courses: http://www.berufsverband-
Addresses of therapeutics and medical practices: www.gesundheitaktiv-