Videos on Eurythmy on Stage - a Selection - Liebe zur Erde

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Videos on Eurythmy on Stage - a Selection

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Eurythmie on stage - video examples:

Eurythmy as an art is practiced in amateur classes and performed as a stage art. The movements give mostly the impression of weightlessness, in contrast to those of eurythmy therapy, which are quite down to earth, or may even be elementary - and therapy is made in normal clothes. Eurythmy as an art, however, is usually made with dress and veil. In courses for amateurs comfortable clothing is fashionable in general, but there are also groups using advanced professional outfit.

I. Professional performances:

Of professional performances, there are some authorized recordings, which were posted on the network. Here are a few examples:

Symphonie / Eurythmie Mendelssohn (Eurythmeum Stuttgart and Goetheanumbühne Dornach)

The first Sentence from the 7th Symphony by Beethoven:

The beginning of a piece, overlapped by an explanation about eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner

The same piece again completely, but without explanations:
Sofia Gubaidulina's "Seven Words" performed in Eurythmy

A little patience with this one: after explanations in German language the performance of Schubert Symphony from the Else Klink Group starts at around 3.10 minutes:

A Solo from Margarethe Solstad:

Finally, a Humoresque:

Groupforming with group processes: with a difference - what is  within the soul in front of you?:

II. Eurythmy in Waldorf Schools:

The first video gives some impressions from a performance in Thailand with teacher and pupil there. The language is Thai, but the sequences are beautiful, so its worth looking at it even without understanding. Artist is Noemi Böken:

The  second video gives some impressions about the lessons during the grades and some explanations on the effects on the children.

This German language video gives impressions about lessons and performances with older pupils:

Is very impressive to see these Beethoven Pathetique, which is performed by the Eurythmist Astrid Thiersch and the students of the Waldorf School of San Francisco:

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III. Eurythmy courses for adults:

As an example this first video shows, how - without long Eurythmy training - choreography can be harmoniously worked out by a group. The form shown, the so-called "harmonious Eight", can be set up in each amateur's group within one hour. What with these eurythmy students appears to be very simple, needs to accurately implement a whole range of perception qualities, spatial orientation and to relativize one's own pace to that of the group. This simple basic form is beneficial and invigorating

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