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Banc de Arguin

my travels > France > Banc de Arguin

The National Park Banc d'Arguin and the Dune du Pyla at Pyla Plage on the Atlantic coast of Mauritania in France

Huge dunes are separating land and sea from above and give free a fantastic view on a landscape of sand and dunes, home to various species of birds and their breeding places. The reserve is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In the bays of Arcachon oyster farming is right next door ...

These sand dunes are accessible right from the park entrance - one has to climb a staircase. Along the road to the south front of the dune are a number of campsites that directly adjoin the several kilometer long dune.

Flowforms on the beach:

The park is also accessible further to the south, the dunes are not so high here. Therefore here its the paragliders paradise...

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