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Images collection for fans of Goa

my travels > India > Goa

Dogs in Arambol - more of it on the
other page

Image Collection for Goa Fans:

Goa has:

mangos in may

exotic plants

aerial roots




water buffalo

beautiful beaches, with few visitors during the summer

beach-dwellers of all kinds,
they will be presented on the other page ...

great restaurants -
also the other page ...!

boats in any condition

Magnificent country side!

red earth

Sunsets at its best -
that's an extra page!

Monsun rains
- and woe, it meets one - then the rain comes with the wind and storms almost horizontal, and think you find a shelter UNDER something ..? - Not a chance. Most likely "stand behind something"!

Here the main bus station in Vasco di Gama:

Monsoon clouds

High humidity in the time before monsoon

Goa does not have:

  • Many tourists on the beach in summer, but alas you are coming in winter!
  • Rest on the beach, in general
  • Gaff-free rest for women, if they are alone on the beach, in particular
  • Perfect beaches (oil in Arambol, plastic everywhere and widespread malaria risk in Calangute, allegedly due to littered tributaries)

Beach from Ajuna

beach behind Terektol, already Maharashtra

Restaurant at the confluence of Tirakol

Bus staion of Vasco di Gama

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