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Conflicts Types- which Type am I?


Which Conflict-Type are You -

and how successful were you so
far really?

Everyone reacts to disagreements, disputes and conflicts differently. The strategies we use to achieve our goals or to defend ourselves against unfair requirements are learned in childhood and rarely checked later on their suitability. Whether I adjust myself or sit down, give in, or intend to seek compromises, or even don´t want to hear anything about the matter like "nothing at all" - everyone has his personal way of dealing with anger and conflict. Depending on how much you believe you can lose in a conflict, you will also proceed differently.

On the Internet there are now a series of pages, which characterize the different types of conflict behaviour. Unfortunately it does usually not automatically make the new behavior techniques fall from the sky - there is intrinsic activity required!


A particular focus of my work is to strengthen self-esteem and confidence. A healthy self-esteem is the foundation to understand other people and accept their wishes - or just put some limits to the matter.

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