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Costs and Reimbursement of Eurythmy Therapy in Germany

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Reimbursement by health insurance in Germany:

Prerequisite for the reimbursement of eurythmy therapy from the health insurance is the
prescription of the doctor. In Germany, the statutory health insurance companies handle the refunding still differently: Some insurances take the treatments completely over, some cash to the costs involved, and a part of them rejects the assumption of costs, which can even in the same regional offices be handled differently. After the ruling of the Federal Social Court of 22.03.2005 (Az: A 1 B 1 / 03 R) the reimbursement of eurythmy therapy is certainly not excluded.

If you think about a treatment, so please find out about the refund in advance by checking with your insurance. Information material for the reimbursemend for health insurance provides for example the legal professional association for the eurythmy therapists in Germany (BVHE) or the equivalent in your country. How and whether the Anthroposophic Medicine and Eurythmy Therapy is represented in your country, you might find out through the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland:

Currently, the treatment costs with me in Germany are

  • for members of the statutory health insurance with cash refund __________________42, - € for 45 minutes
  • for all others: ___________________________________________ 45€ for 45 minutes or 60, - € for 60 minutes

A treatment cycle includes 10-15 treatments. For chronic diseases, multiple cycles may be necessary. Usually within 12 treatments a significantly improvement can be accomplished. The treatment duration (45 or 60 minutes) depends on the disease and the personal situation, there are usually 1-2 sessions per week in ambulant treatments.

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