Through Singapore back to Dornach in Switzerland - Liebe zur Erde... - Liebe zur Erde

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Through Singapore back to Dornach in Switzerland

Published by Beatrix Hachtel in Travel · 4/3/2014 10:32:19

Through Singapore back to Dornach in Switzerland

Singapore is in Asia, no doubt - but it is regulated and ordered in such a way that one starts to wonder. Singapore is a stopover and I spend a lot less time here than the city would actually be worth. In Singapore, I also break my professional "fasting" : I am staying at a Waldorf family and experience in their home an incredible hospitality and openness. It gives me back the feeling, how mankind can be - and how good it feels to be back among people who do not additionally want to sell something, but welcome the guest as a person. And after all the months in which my appearance has driven to a variety of people greedy eyes and cloudy brows, wondering how much they can wring from me - the apparently rich woman, without a man on the road, obviously an easy prey for big rip-off in favor of their own dreams...

Oh yes - and has anyone ever tried to eat crabs with chopsticks?

Singapore is almost exactly on the equator. For the city, this means almost constant climate throughout the year, sunrise and sunset are virtually always at the same time. The city is full of cleanliness, rules and order, any small deviation from the predetermined standard is punishable by heavy fines. After 6 months of managing Asian traffic madness now crossing a road becomes a science that wants to be considered:

and though not so much controlling police is to bee seen - people stick to the rules. The streets are clean - you could almost eat from the ground. I especially like that they have obviously left the big trees during construction. So many of the streets which lead to the center go through avenues with tall tropical trees, which sprawl shade with their foliage.

And many a house is overgrown on balconies and roofs with greenery - often as whole trees! What - unusual in Asia - mainly is to bee seen on the roads are skyscrapers, large sedans on the streets, but no people (and no mopeds). Where the heck are all the inhabitans?

Spectacular are the views from the skyscrapers. Famous is the
Rooftop pool from Marina Bay Sand Hotel on the 57th floor:

Here, however, only one can bathe who is willing to pay 500 US$ for an overnight stay:

Given the hefty price I have to say: the Marina Bay Sand Hotel is run like a German train station, and so is the athmosphere: with self - checkin and self - checkout, a totally confusing situation in the buildings, a 500m long entrance hall uncomfortable as a railway station which is also set up as one.

The uninformed tourists cattle are carted for 28$ on an observation deck. However: worldly arrogance carries even me in the company of a backpack in the restaurant / cafe next to the pool for free, where one can, well kept sitting, spend the 28$ (or less) then in a cappuccino and Moctail. And well - in terms of the views ... - If I had slept there, the  views would have annoyed me.

If you aim high, a recommended destination is in the financial district the "Altitude1 Bar" on Raffles Square. This one is good and happy some 50-80 m higher, the view goes all around the city. However, this is an open air bar - closed in bad weather, because otherwise it blows everything down...

Top of the sight is the Light show of the Hotel Marina Bay Sand, seen from the bar Altitude1 which takes place daily at the same time.

And here below is the down view from Altitude 1-280 m high above sea level. Down here is flying everything you let go - but you pay for the fun in an instant with a jail cell ...

Chinatown looks like the tourists are imagining Chinatown :

Likewise nice it is around the Arab Street in the Arab quarter - but watch out: First check the prices before you go drink coffee! There bombastic fabric stores, from which people grind the material in whole bolts. And this mosque stands here, too:

Then there is in Singapore a workshop on eurythmy therapy:

At the end of "readjustment" to civilization is my flight home - but in a new adventure. Shortly before my departure in the summer we did move ad hoc to Dornach in Switzerland. And now I am going there, to brand new foothold. For a limited time, now a place will be my home, from which many people around the world desire to be able to visit him only once (and , OMG - the PRICES). We live 10 minutes walk through the woods away from the Goetheanum, the center of global Anthroposophical movement and location of countless trainings, meetings and initiatives.

Here the Link to a tour at the Goetheanum in the summer time:

With me coming home neither my life nor my trips are completed. At least one trip is planned for the next few weeks and possibly the year carries me professionally again to Asia, who knows. And there are still so many parts of the world in which I have never been!

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