Publications on Eurythmy Therapy - Liebe zur Erde

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Publications on Eurythmy Therapy

International Publications after 2005 -
Version I: April 2013

A complete overview of all international publications in several languages including English, French, Italian, Spain, Dutch, Portugese and others published until 2005, you can find here:

Beatrix Hachtel, Dr. med. Angelika Gäch
: Bibliographie Heileurythmie, NMM-Verlag 2007, 610 S., ISBN 978-3-928914-16-1,
The bibliography provides a comprehensive summary
in German language of all recorded texts. They are rubricated among others by the various medical specialties and eurythmy therapy exercises and there is a subject index with over 6000 keywords.

More pictures from out of the book can be found on the next page.

After 2005:

This following list of foreign-language publications includes mainly publications which where found since then. It  represents only a step, and has to be regarded as in any way uncomplete. The list is sorted by language in alphabetical order.

The articles and books are so far predominantly English-language translations from German publications of the Forum/Network Eurythmy Therapy and the medical section, but also research literature and other original works. Some Dutch texts are included. An extensive collection of Russian translations compiled by Tatiana Strizhak is on the pdf-file, which you can download here:

PDF-File incl. Russian language (klick here)

The list is expected to be updated in the course of further work in July 2013 or later. Work on th
is collection after 2005 is generously funded by the "STIFTUNG zur Förderung der HEILEURYTHMIE"

Since the eurythmy therapy usually is part of a
therapy concept within the conceps of Anthroposophic Medicine, and a major thematic environment for eurythmy exists, the articles are rubricated:

HE - primarily text about eurythmy therapy
M - primarily medical text
Ps - primarily psychological text
E - primarily eurythmic text
P - primary educational text
HP - primarily special education text
K - primarily text about art therapy

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