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Flyers 2013 -
Please note my working periods at home and abroad:
First working period in Germany ............................................ 9.1.2012 to 18.3.2012
Working period in China ........................................27.3. -
Second working period in Germany: .........................................7.5. to 23.7.2012
Working period in India: .............................................6.12.-
Working period in Germany until 20.7.2013
Working period in China: 7.9.2013 -
After this you can book me for workshops and lectures in South East Asia until February 2014
My offers and projects can be found at the following sites:
An overview: ........................http://www.liebe-
For Waldorfschools:.............. http://www.liebe-
For Organisations:................ http://www.liebe-
For Business:........................ http://www.liebe-
Projects Worldwide: ............ http://www.liebe-