Eurythmy in the workplace - Liebe zur Erde

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Eurythmy in the workplace

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Eurythmy exercise programs as health care programs in entreprises

Traditionally anthroposophically managed
organisations and enterprises offer since many decades Eurythmy for their employees. In recent years, international and conventional businesses more and more started to offer Eurythmy, too.  Goal of the programs is to create a better working environment, compensate occupationally induced bias and reduce absenteeism through illnesses.
The concept is developed on the requirements of the company and the job
situation at the working place.


There exists some
Research on eurythmy at workplaces:

The effectiveness of eurythmy in the workplace is impressively demonstrated by a number of scientific studies, including on from an Austrian construction site, carried out by Joanneum Research Professor Maximilian Moser on behalf of AUVA, one of the largest casualty insurance companies in Austria. Similar projects have been carried out with nurses, forest workers and teachers:;;

Study of construction workers: , der Endbericht Nr. 38 als PDF:

"The Chrono medicine in recent decades has made clear the importance of the rhythm for the health profile. With the destruction of natural rhythms of night work and shift work increases the mortality from cancer, heart attacks are increasing and the destabilization manifests itself in insomnia and depression. This "rhythm eating" opposite rhythm donors are coming from the creative therapies: a project with construction workers could be shown that the sleep quality can be improved by exercise and eurythmy in construction. Absenteeism decreased and accidents not occurred any more ".. From IND_Handbuch Pflegefit, see link below.
Study with nurses: PDF:  oder  ; in the Manual can be seen on pages 21 to 24 the effect of individual eurythmy exercises!

Study with teachers:
Here it is shown that the use of eurythmy has positive effects especially on the social services sector and the physical wellbeing.

Study with foresters:  

Further reading exists so far only in Germany language:

Michael Brater/Ute Büchele/Ralf Gleide: "Betriebseurythmie. Ein Übungsweg zur Teambildung und beweglicher Arbeitsorganisation", Verlag Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart 2002

Michael Brater/Ute Büchele/Hans Herzer: "Eurythmie am Arbeitsplatz. Die soziale Wirksamkeit künstlerischen Tuns - Erfahrungen aus einem Industriebetrieb". Verlag Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart 1987

My Offer for Your Organisation:


I offer exercise programs in workplacees for small and medium enterprises and social institutions. I create in agreement with management, team leaders and employees a tailored individual approach to your requirements. Cross the organization or concerning just some individual areas of the organisation, different priorities can be:

  • Social processes within the team and the requirements of the operating procedure

  • Compensation programs for job-related biases

  • Stress Management

  • Measures to accompany the change process

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